Your comments

Hi  Benjamin,

Be sure you are using Adobe Reader when typing into the CMS 1500 PDF.  Then when you put in the code, type it, do not paste it in as you may have additional characters when cutting and pasting.

Here are all the fields filled with that code. 

Best regards,


Hi Jude,

We have an updated version that allows for 2 characters.  I will send it to your email as an attachment.

Best regards,


Hi Bev,

It is a download you can use right away.  Perhaps you missed your download link today, but I will send the files and instructions to use to your email.  

Best regards,


Hi Erika,

Thank you for your question.  In 24E the "pointer" is related to the letters (A through L) and only allows up to "4 letters" to be submitted per service charge.   Check out the latest CMS 1500 Manual for more information on this by visiting the NUCC website.

Best regards,


Hi Dr Chrycy,

You will see a password statement while printing to PDF rather than a printer.  You can choose to print it as an image instead. To do that, go to print, then change the printer from the real printer to “print as fax” – this is will create a .tiff file image that you can save to your computer or send by email. 

Best regards,


Hi Anv,

If you could a scan or picture of how it is printing out for you, I can adjust the template to work with your printer. Send to


Hi shadygrove,

If you can send me a scan, image or description of how it prints out and I will adjust it to work with your printer.

 Best regards,


Hi Stan,

Yes there is a way to have certain fields already filled in when you start a new claim.  To begin, open a blank CMS 1500 PDF.  Then fill in all the fields that will not change (your NPI, billing address, etc).  Leave the other fields blank.  Then save the partially filled claim as "office_template.pdf" or something like that. 

Then when you are ready to complete a claim for a patient, open up the office_template.pdf - it will be partially filled from before.  Then type in the patient information and services.  Print it out.  When you are ready to save it, go to save, and give it a unique file name "J_Doe_121219.pdf for instance.  Then you will have the new claim saved on your computer.  

To do another claim open the  "office_template.pdf" for the next patient and it will be partially filled for you.

Best regards,


Hi ldurkin,

Thanks for sharing your experience.  I am always amazed the number or things that can come into play - what machine you are using, operating system, PDF software and more.  Thanks for sharing what worked for you. 

Best regards,


Hi Annalisa,

I sent it of to your email as well.  Best regards,
