Your comments


You may need to change the direction the paper goes in.  Then print "text only" into the claim form. 

Best regards,


Hi Ricky,

You can send me a scan or picture with some fake information on it. Then I will adjust the template to work with your printer and send it to you for you to use. Send it to

Hi Ricky,

I sent it yesterday to your email.  See if it went into the junk area of email by mistake.

Best regards,


Hi Ricky,

The UB 04 PDF is designed to print text only.  You will want to use it with the paper claim forms that you put in the printer. 

Best regards,


Hi  Dr. Denise,

Most likely the update changed your default PDF program from Adobe Reader to some other native PDF software.  TO work around this, be sure to open Adobe Reader first, then open the file from within Adobe Reader.  Then it will save and print as before. 

Best regards,



The CMS 1500 PDF does not have the ability to populate from one file that you created to another.   

Best regards,


Hi - it looks like you already ordered, but here is the link in case you need it

We will ship your forms out today priority mail.  They will arrive soon!

Best regards,


Hi Chris,

I sent you a detailed email yesterday about this.  Maybe it went into your junk folder.  

Look for the files I sent to you there.  

Save attached files from your email to your computer desktop (do not open)

Open the free Adobe Reader - If you need to download Adobe Reader, please use the link below to install on Mac or Windows.

Within Adobe Reader, open the file

Now use the button at the top left of the form to print and save.

Best regards,


Hi!  - When the button is not working, you have opened the file in another software other than Adobe Reader.  

Steps to use:

Open the free Adobe Reader

- If you need to download Adobe Reader, please use this link below to install on Mac or Windows.

Within Adobe Reader, open the file

Now use the button at the top left of the form to print and save.

That will take care of it. 

Best regards,


Hi Laura,

Set the default PDF back to Adobe Reader from Chrome,  That will take care it.

Best regards,
