Dear Community,

Although Fiachra Forms has closed its business operations, this forum remains a space for connection, collaboration, and support. Here, you can continue to:

  • Share tips, advice, and best practices with fellow users.
  • Access our Knowledge Base for previously asked questions.

We are deeply grateful for your engagement and trust over the years. This forum is our way of ensuring that the resources and community you’ve relied on remain available.

Thank you for being part of our journey. We hope this space continues to serve you well!

Best regards,

The Fiachra Forms Team


How do I move my PDF claim files from my old computer to my new one?

OfficeAdmin 6 years ago updated by dan 6 years ago 1
dan 6 years ago

Thank you for your question! Below is a step-by-step process for moving your claim files from one computer to another. I am using Windows terminology, but the process on a Mac is very similar - you will use Mac Finder instead of Windows Explorer:

1. Find the files you want to move on your old computer. Make sure you locate all of them. If you're not sure where they all are, use Windows Explorer to search for them.

2. Plug a flash drive into your computer. Now use Windows Explorer to find the flash drive. It may appear as the "D," "E" or "F" drive.

3. In Windows Explorer, click on the folders holding your claim files (or click on the individual files) and drag them to the flash drive. They will be copied onto the flash drive, but they will also remain on your old computer. Do NOT delete them from the old computer until you know they are safely on your new computer.

4. Remove the flash drive from your old computer and plug it into the new one. Now click and drag the folders/files from the flash drive into a folder of your choice on the new computer. 

5. Before opening the files, check to see if Adobe Reader is loaded on your new computer. If it is not, download it for free from the Internet at If you need help, watch my video on downloading Adobe Reader.

6. Once you are sure you have all the files on your new computer, it is safe to remove them from the old computer. To ensure you are keeping your patient data secure, it is also a good idea to delete them from the flash drive.

Feel free to reach out if you have any additional questions! 


cant use the save, print box on the cms1500

Brigitta Lalone 4 weeks ago 0
dan 1 month ago

Hi Marc,

What email did you use to purchase? I can send you the files there.  Send your email to


Welcome to the Fiachra Forms Community Forum

dan 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 0

Dear Community,

Although Fiachra Forms has closed its business operations, this forum remains a space for connection, collaboration, and support. Here, you can continue to:

  • Share tips, advice, and best practices with fellow users.
  • Access our Knowledge Base for previously asked questions. 

We are deeply grateful for your engagement and trust over the years. This forum is our way of ensuring that the resources and community you’ve relied on remain available.

Thank you for being part of our journey. We hope this space continues to serve you well!

Best regards,

The Fiachra Forms Team


The save/create a unique PDF botton opens the window, but the window is blank....nothing loads. Any ideas?/

agavin 4 months ago updated by dan 4 months ago 1

is there an update of the UB04 form?

Araceli 6 months ago updated by dan 6 months ago 1

I'm having issues with Medical not reading/scanning correctly my claims and being underpaid, if not possible to increase font size I would like to see if an update can fix the issue

dan 6 months ago

Hi Araceli,

Be sure to use Adobe Reader and not other software to make sure the font will be correct size.  The UB-04 PDF has been accepted for years and they have not updated it to my knowlege.

Best regards,



how to duplicate form with client information

rbrill2100 9 months ago updated by dan 9 months ago 1

is there a way to remove an entire line

rbrill2100 9 months ago updated by dan 9 months ago 1
dan 10 months ago

Hi Barbara, 

Please send me a screenshot of that error message as I have not heard of this.   In the meantime I will send you the files again to make sure it is nothing to do with the CMS 1500 PDF. 

Best regards,
