
how to duplicate form with client information

rbrill2100 10 months ago updated by dan 10 months ago 1

Great question : ) 

Start out by filling in your practice information (address, NPI, even the service if it never changes).  Then save this with a unique file name such as "practicetemplate.pdf".  Then when you are ready to bill, open this file and fill in the patient information.  Once completed be sure to "Save as" and name the claim such as "JSmith 050524.pdf."  By giving it a new name, the practicetemplate.pdf will not be changed, but a new file will be created "JSmith 050524.pdf."

To create a duplicate, open the previous file, such as "JSmith 050524.pdf and change the date and service, and then "Save as" using another file name, such as "JSmith 060524.pdf." By giving it a new name, the JSmith 050524.pdf will not be changed, but a new file will be created for the client. 

Best regards,
