Your comments

Hi Marc,

What email did you use to purchase? I can send you the files there.  Send your email to

Hi Carol,

I sent the files to your email.

Best regards,


Hi - most likely another software other than Adobe Reader has opened the file.  Close it out, open Adobe Reader first, then go to File > Open > and find the PDF on your computer.  Then the save and print button will show the options.

Best regards,


Hi Araceli,

Be sure to use Adobe Reader and not other software to make sure the font will be correct size.  The UB-04 PDF has been accepted for years and they have not updated it to my knowlege.

Best regards,


Hi - The only way to do that on the claim form is to leave it blank. 

Hope that helps. 


Great question : ) 

Start out by filling in your practice information (address, NPI, even the service if it never changes).  Then save this with a unique file name such as "practicetemplate.pdf".  Then when you are ready to bill, open this file and fill in the patient information.  Once completed be sure to "Save as" and name the claim such as "JSmith 050524.pdf."  By giving it a new name, the practicetemplate.pdf will not be changed, but a new file will be created "JSmith 050524.pdf."

To create a duplicate, open the previous file, such as "JSmith 050524.pdf and change the date and service, and then "Save as" using another file name, such as "JSmith 060524.pdf." By giving it a new name, the JSmith 050524.pdf will not be changed, but a new file will be created for the client. 

Best regards,


Hi Barbara, 

Please send me a screenshot of that error message as I have not heard of this.   In the meantime I will send you the files again to make sure it is nothing to do with the CMS 1500 PDF. 

Best regards,


Hi Dawn,

Thanks for sharing steps you have taken.  It may be the PDF template has changed?  I will send you another to try with your computer. Send me your email to so I can send it to you. 

Best regards,


Hi Barry,

In Adobe Reader, the scroll bar is a rather thin line on the right of the page, but it is there for you.  Also, the tab button will help you advance through the fields. 

Hope that helps!


Hi Dawn,

See if your Mac is defaulted back to opening a PDF in Mac Preview or other software.  

Here is how : )

Open the free Adobe Reader for Mac
- If you need to download and install Adobe Reader, please use this link below to install on Mac or Windows.

Within Adobe Reader, open the file you are working with. 

Now use the button at the top left of the form to print and save.

If you are using Adobe Reader to open, you may need to uninstall/reinstall as they too have done a recent update. 

best regards,
