
Printing both sides

Fenando 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

I purchase the form with the calculation. the more expensive one.. When I save and print, the option to print both sides is not available. It only show the print a unique pdf, or use the pre-printed 1500 forms. Also, when printing as pdf, the form shows the "save and print options" on the 1500 form. Is that meant to be that way? Thanks..


Hi Fernando,

To print the backside (second page) be sure to open the other file in your download.  There are two versions that come to you.  One that prints both form and text (and the second page) and the other only the text.  

When printing - if it is printing the save and print button image, you are not using Adobe Reader to print.  Be sure to open the file in Adobe Reader, not Mac Preview or other PDF software.  

Hope that helps!


Thank you. I found the other one.. I am using Adobe Acrobat Reader on my Mac. It is part of the Adobe suite.

Anyway, I will try again..

Thanks for the quick response..