
I want to print text only, however it prints the whole form.

Bear 2 years ago updated by dan 2 years ago 5

Hi Bear,

I got your message about needing to print text only.

Close out the programs and the file you have open

Here is how to do that.

First - Close out the file you may have open

Open the free Adobe Reader
- If you need to download Adobe Reader, please use this link below to install on Mac or Windows.


Within Adobe Reader, open the file

Now use the button at the top left of the form to print and save.

This will control the print option.

Choose text only from the menu.

If you find that the information is out of alignment
– please send a scan with some fake information on it showing how it prints out
– then I can adjust the template to work with your printer.

Best regards,


I have the same problem. I followed the instruction above, but it didn't solve the problem. It still print the whole form. Please advise.


Hi Koji,

Thanks for reaching out. Be sure to close out other software, then open Adobe Reader, the file.  Often when you click on the file icon, another program will open, such as Mac Preview or even a browser.

Once Adobe is open it should work.  If you find it is not while in Adobe Reader, let me know and I will send the files again, as perhaps they have gotten changed somehow.

Best regards,


I am also having the same problem. I have used the program for several years with no problem and now it prints the whole form no matter how I attempt to print. Could it be a problem caused by an update from Adobe? Any help is appreciated.



I reinstalled Adobe and now it works. Maybe this will work for others.


Hi Terry,

Thanks for sharing about your issue and the solution you found. In looking on Adobe's website it is not clear why this would be happening. If you can, let me know your current Adobe Reader version that you reinstalled. 

Best regards,
