
Save and Print Options link not working

Michael Jocson 2 years ago updated by dan 2 years ago 2

I downloaded the CMS 1500 PDF and now the "Save and Print Options" button doesn't do anything when clicked upon. What happened?

Ok, I figured it out by opening the PDF from the Acrobat Pro. Now my issue is that the "Prints Text Only- For use with pre-printed forms" in blue ink, will not go away when I print. How do I get rid of that even though I have opened in Acrobat Pro?


Hi Michael,

Glad you were able to use Adobe for the Save and Print options.  The same will be true for the blue text.  Open Adobe Reader DC and it will appear on the screen, but not print.  If you need another download of the file let me know.  It is possible if you were saving with another program, it "locked the file" and now the ability to hid that blue font has been stripped off.

Best regards,
