
Is there a way for me to be able to edit the PDF's after I have saved it?

Clara 6 years ago updated by dan 6 years ago 1

Is there a way for me to be able to edit the PDF after I have saved it? We had a billing error and I have to go back and change just 1 number on several ub04's. I'm just trying to save myself some time rather than retyping all of the information for each claim.
Thank you!


Hi Clara,

Yes, you can do this if you saved each claim after you created it as a unique file name (mrsmith0202.pdf, mrjones0205.pdf, etc.) 

If you did not save each time then you will need to recreate them. If you did save each as you created it for each patient or service, just open the file in Adobe Reader and make changes. Then re-save it with the same file name.

Hope that helps!
