
Can the form be customized to skip fields that are never used?

Lori 3 years ago updated by dan 3 years ago 3

Hi Lori,

Yes, any field on the claim form can be skipped or left blank.  Hope that helps!


Just to make sure we're on the same page, a better way for me to phrase the question:

Can certain fields be REMOVED from the fillable tool so they are no longer a "stopping place" as you are tabbing thru the form? So more than just leaving the field blank. For example, if there are only 20 of the 80+ fields necessary for my claims, I only want tab stops set for those 20 fields. Can I customize the form in that way?

Hi Lori,

The easiest way to do that with the claim form as it is, is to mouse to the area and click into it.  

To have it set to just the 20 tabs that you want would be a custom form - could be done if you want to look into it.  Send me an email about the 20 fields at dan@fiachraforms.com