
Admission date on fillable form does not allow a date on UB-04

tlaclair 4 years ago updated by dan 4 years ago 3

Hi tlaclair,

It may be that you have copy and pasted into the field or that you have a space in the field. To check, first open in Adobe Reader, them press delete, and then backspace to clear the field.  The you should be able to type in the admission date,.

Best regards,



I should have been clearer.  I can enter data into the field, but the field is only set up to be 6 characters.  For a date it should be 8 characters.  The 'hover help' for the field is also incorrect.


Hi Tim,

Thank you for clarifying, and sharing your insights.  I will be updating the form and will send you the revised version so you can enter in 8 digits for the Date of Admission. Thank you for pointing out the hover help as well. 

Thanks again,
